Tear trough and cheek filler for the correction of dark circles under eyes
Dominique demonstrates another example of a combination Tear Trough and Cheek filler treatment. Filling the tear trough helps to make people look healthy and well rested and minimizes black bags under the eyes.
Replacing volume loss in the cheeks helps to lift the lower face and also helps with the tear troughs making it require less filler in the actual teat trough which is one of the most delicate areas of the face.
Typical tear trough treatments can swell and bruise so time this treatment appropriately around any big social engagements. Filling the cheeks typically causes less bruising as we are injecting the filler deeper under the surface of the skin.
This particualr treatment was with 1 syringe Voluma in the tear trough and 1 syringe of Radiesse medially and 1 syringe of Voluma laterally in the cheeks. We can also use Bellafill or Versa for the cheeks and Restylane or Belotero for the tear trough.

You may also call one of our patient care coordinators at 206-935-5689 and we will be happy to assist you in scheduling.