Treat Vascular Problems, such as Rosacea and Broken Capillaries
BBL (Broad Band Light)) can be focused to target red blood cells. The red blood cells are destroyed, coagulate (clot) and close down the blood vessel. Another wavelength, the 1064 Yag, is especially designed to treat vascular conditions (anything red or blue). It works great. With these two technologies, we can treat a variety of vascular problems such as: facial redness, broken capillaries on the face, leg veins, cherry hemangiomas (those little red dots). It’s really exciting to watch those broken blood vessels and red spots disappear. Redness be gone!
To learn more about how to get rid of the redness click to book online at your convenience or call one of our patient care coordinators at 206-935-5689 to schedule an consultation.
* Individual Results and Patient Experience May Vary