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Tattoo Removal lightening in preparation for a cover up Tattoo

Heidi from Well Medical Arts demonstrates a tattoo removal treatment for lightening a tattoo prior to a cover up. This is this clients 4th treatment and will most likely be his last prior to getting his cover up. At Well Medical Arts we have worked with many tattoo artists in the Seattle area as an additional tool in their arsenal for cover ups. 1-3 tattoo removal treatments can often lighten a tattoo enough to make a huge difference in covering up tattoos making the artist job easier and opening up the design possibilities.

Visit to see more before and afters and learn more about the tattoo removal process.

Laser Tattoo Removal before and after for Lightening prior to a Coverup in Seattle at Well Medical Arts tx1. Learn more about the Tattoo Removal process at or call one of our patient concierge team to schedule a complimentary consultation.

You may also call one of our patient care coordinators at 206-935-5689 and we will be happy to assist you in scheduling.

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