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Restylane for Tear Trough Correction: Rejuvenate Your Under-Eye Area

Tear trough correction is a non-surgical treatment that addresses hollows, dark circles, and shadows under the eyes. As we age, the area between the lower eyelids and upper cheeks can become sunken, creating a tired or aged appearance. Restylane, a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler, offers an effective solution for this concern.

restylane-in Seattle at Well Medical Arts

Why choose Restylane?

Restylane is widely considered the best filler for the tear trough area due to its unique properties:

  • Soft and spreadable consistency, ideal for the delicate under-eye region

  • Ability to provide natural-looking results

  • FDA-approved for use in sensitive areas

  • Minimal risk of persistent swelling or bluish appearance when properly administered

What is tear trough correction?

Tear trough correction is a non-surgical treatment that addresses hollows, dark circles, and shadows under the eyes. As we age, the area between the lower eyelids and upper cheeks can become sunken, creating a tired or aged appearance. Restylane, a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler, offers an effective solution for this concern.

Under eye filler before and after at Well Medical Arts in Seattle
Tear trough filler before and after in Seattle at Well Medical Arts. Learn more about tear trough filler at Tear Trough Treatment (Black Bags under eyes)

Is Restylane tear trough filler right for you?

This treatment is ideal for individuals with:

  • Mild to moderate sagging under the eyes

  • Healthy, thick skin

  • Dark circles or shadows caused by volume loss

However, it may not be suitable for those with very thin skin, significant under-eye bags, or particularly deep tear troughs. For deeper tear troughs a filler that has thicker properties such as VolumaXC may be a preferred choice.

You may also call one of our patient care coordinators at 206-935-5689 and we will be happy to assist you in scheduling.

More about Resylane

Restylane is a versatile hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler designed to address various facial concerns. Key points about Restylane include:

  1. Composition: Clear gel formulation of hyaluronic acid that mimics the body’s natural hyaluronic acid.

  2. Applications:

    • Treatment of under eye volume loss that presents as dark circles under eyes
    • Reduces moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds

    • Adds fullness to lips

    • Treats nasolabial folds (laugh lines)

    • Enhances the area below the nose and above the upper lip

    • Addresses marionette lines and corners of the mouth

  3. Treatment areas: Can be used on various facial areas, including nasolabial folds, lips, and under-eye regions.

  4. Effectiveness: Instantly and visibly reduces wrinkles and folds or adds volume to treated areas.

  5. Side effects: May include swelling, redness, pain, bruising, or tenderness, typically mild and lasting less than 7 days for nasolabial folds and 14-18 days for lips.

  6. Age considerations:

    • Patients under 36 may experience more swelling

    • Patients over 35 may be more prone to bruising

For more detailed information about Restylane products and treatments, visit the official website at

10 Tips to Minimize the Risk of Bruising After Wrinkle Reducers & Dermal Fillers

Cosmetic injectable treatments, such as wrinkle reducers and dermal fillers, can work wonders in filling out lines and wrinkles, but they may cause temporary bruising and swelling. Many patients ask us how to minimize or prevent bruising, and the good news is that there's a lot you can do before and after your appointment to minimize any unsightly coloring – and in some cases, prevent it altogether.

No injector can guarantee that you won't bruise from injectable treatments, but to avoid serious side effects, it's always best to go to the most expert injector in your area. To be on the safe side, don't plan any special events for at least 2 weeks after your injectable appointment. Remember, treatments can take 1 to 2 weeks for results to fully settle in, so unless something is really off, most minor problems will resolve with patience.

If you're just having a wrinkle reducer treatment (Botox, Dysport, or Xeomin), these suggestions are still good to follow, even though bruising is less common. However, dermal fillers like Juvederm, Restylane, Radiesse, Sculptra, and Bellafill are slightly more invasive, and following these instructions will help prevent bruises or reduce their appearance more quickly. Please visit for additional information and videos.

Here are a few pre and post-treatment tips that can help you avoid unnecessary bruising:

  1. Avoid Aspirin & NSAIDs

  2. Avoid Wine & Alcohol

  3. Avoid Green Tea, Vitamin E, and Herbal Supplements

  4. Skip the Gym

  5. Choose a Qualified Injector

  6. Apply Ice

  7. Use Numbing Cream

  8. Consider Anti-Bruising Supplements such as Arnica Montana

  9. Practice Sun Protection

  10. Plan Accordingly

If you do bruise, continue icing the affected areas, take Arnica as directed, and use a high-level concealer to hide temporary bruises. For lip bruises, lipstick can do the trick. The intensity and duration of your filler or Botox side effects will depend on the treatment aggressiveness and your individual healing characteristics, but they normally last for one to two weeks after the treatment.

Important Safety Considerations for the Restylane family of products

Important Safety Considerations for the Restylane family of products
Products in the Resty lane family should not be used by people with previous bad allergies, particularly to microorganisms known as gram-positive bacteria, or by people with serious allergies to drugs that have previously required in-hospital treatment. These products should not be used by people with bleeding disorders. Products should not be injected anywhere except the skin, just under the skin (Perlane and Perlane-L only), or in the lips (Resty lane, Resty lane-L and Restylane Silk only). Resty lane-L, Restylane Silk and Perlane-Lshould not be used by anyone with a known allergy to lidocaine.

Use at the site of skin sores, pimples, rashes, hives, cysts, or infection should be postponed until healing is complete. In these instances, product use could delay healing or make your skin problems worse. After treatment, you might have some swelling, redness, pain, bruising, or tenderness. These are typically mild in severity and normally last less than 7 days in nasolabial folds and less than 14 – 18 days in lips. Swelling may be more likely in patients under 36 years, and bruising may be more likely in patients over 35 years. Rarely, the doctor may inject into a blood vessel, which can damage the skin. Although rare, red or swollen small bumps may occur. If you have had facial cold sores before, an injection can cause an outbreak. To avoid bruising and bleeding, you should not use the products if you have recently used drugs that thin your blood or prevent clotting. Products should not be used during pregnancy, when breastfeeding, or in patients under 18 years for nasolabial folds.

Treatment volume should be limited to 6.0 mL in wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds, limited to 1.5 mL per lip (Resty lane, Resty lane-L or Restylane Silk only), and 1.0 mL in lip lines (Resty lane Silk), as greater amounts significantly increase moderate and severe injection site reactions. The safety of effectiveness of treatment in areas other than nasolabial folds (Resty lane, Resty lane-L, Perlane, and Perlane-L), lips (Resty lane, Resty lane-L, and Resty lane Silk), and lip lines (Resty lane Silk) has not been established in controlled clinical studies.

The Restylane family of products is available only through a licensed practitioner.

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