Women can get thicker more luscious hair! Men can reverse the pattern of male pattern baldness! Experience restorative Hair Growth with growth factors.
Who is PRF hair restoration good for?
People who desire a non-surgical regrowth strategy that is safe and effective choose the PRF Hair Restoration Procedure. PRF Hair Restoration is suitable for both men and women. It is a state of the art, non surgical, totally natural, alternative medical procedure used for the treatment of hair loss or hair thinning. It is an injectable treatment which uses the patient’s own blood.
Why PRF?
PRF can produce a higher cumulative release of growth factors than other methods. Also, this release is slow and prolonged, making it ideal for tissue regeneration and growth stimulation.
What types of conditions respond well to PRF Hair Restoration treatments?
PRF treatments are a great tool for the treatment of hair loss for a number of causes including:
• Male Pattern Hair Loss – especially in the early stages of balding, or anytime there is a lot of miniaturized hair on the scalp
• Female Pattern Hair Loss – at all stages of hair loss
• Hypotrichosis (fine/reduced hairs) of the eyebrows or beard
• Alopecia Areata, Alopecia Totalis
• Metabolic causes of hair loss – iron deficiency and medication induced hair loss
* Individual Results and Patient Experience May Vary
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How does PRF Hair Restoration Work?
A PRF Hair Restoration treatment takes about 90 minutes to complete. First, a blood sample is obtained which is specially processed to produce the PRF. A local anesthetic is then administered to completely numb the scalp treatment area. The PRF is administered via a series of injections over the full scalp or in a localized treatment area such as the eyebrows or beard.
The recovery from the procedure is typically uneventful. Pain is easily managed in most cases with non-narcotic analgesic medication such as Ibuprofen. Some mild swelling of the forehead is occasionally seen 1-2 days after injections. This is normal and will resolve in 48 hours. Avoiding vigorous activity is recommended until the swelling is gone. There is no other downtime or noticeable effects of the procedure. Patients can wash their hair normally immediately after the injections.
New hair growth can be seen as early as 2 months, but is typically evident between 3-6 months and will continue to improve for up to a year after treatment. We strongly recommend a minimum of three treatments spaced one month apart to start to see results.
How many PRF hair restoration treatments do I need?
Every person has different levels of hair loss and can have different reactions to PRF treatments. While it is hard to give an answer that will fit for everyone we generally adhere to the following guidelines.
It is typically recommended to have a minimum three treatments spaced 4-8 weeks apart for best results followed by regular maintenance every 6 or 12 months to keep the hair follicles healthy.
For the best results, it’s recommended to begin PRF therapy as soon as you notice thinning. The treatment is more effective if hair loss is recent, as it’s easier to stimulate hair follicles that haven’t been dormant for a long time.

How does PRF work?
Human blood contains mesenchymal stem cells, and autologous blood products that contain essential and specific growth factors that assist in tissue regeneration and healing. Published medical literature from Europe and the United States confirms the safety and use of PRF therapy. It has been used a medical adjunct therapy for over two decades for skin and wound healing. PRF therapy has established itself to be effective as a medical treatment modality in the specialty fields of oral surgery, neurosurgery, plastic and cosmetic surgery, sports medicine and orthopedics. It has been used extensively in these specialties for the last twenty years with positive outcomes and success.
What else can you do to help restore your hair.
In addition to PRF for more aggressive or stubborn cases we often prescribe a Rogaine or Minoxidil course in conjunction with the PRF treatments. We have partnered with our favorite local compounding pharmacist to create an alternative to commercially manufactured products that have been shown to get better results in many individuals when used regularly.