Women, we can Improve your sex & decrease urinary incontinence with an easy and painless procedure called the O-Shot.
* Individual Results and Patient Experience May Vary
What Women Tell Us After Having the O-Shot.
- Greatly decreased or resolved urinary incontinence (both urge and stress problems)
- Greater arousal from clitoral stimulation
- Stronger orgasm
- More frequent orgasm
- Increased sexual desire
- Increased ability to have a vaginal orgasm
- Younger, smoother skin of the vulva (lips of the vagina)
- A tighter introitus (vaginal opening)
- Decreased pain for those with dyspareunia (painful intercourse)
- Increased natural lubrication
* Individual Results and Patient Experience May Vary

To not have to worry about urinary leakage is a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. No having my urine leak, I smell better!
My first orgasm was a huge relief! IT HAPPENED!!!
Thank you!
What is the O-Shot, or Orgasm Shot?
The O-Shot is a simple nonsurgical procedure that uses the growth factors each woman has in her own body to stimulate vaginal and clitoral rejuvenation to activate the Orgasm System. Female sexual dysfunction is not a small problem: 50% of women experience some degree of low libido and dysfunction. The O-Shot® procedure begins with a simple blood draw. Then, using a proprietary technique, platelets are separated and concentrated. The growth factors extracted from your blood is then injected into an area near the clitoris and into the area of the upper vagina that is most important for the sexual response (the “o-spot”). These areas are numbed with a local anesthetic cream before injection, causing patients to experience little or no discomfort during the procedure.
How does the O-Shot Work?
The doctor injects growth factors into an area called the “O-Spot” –a collection of structures that activate the orgasm system. The process of injecting trigger the platelets to release seven different growth factors that then activate the unipotent stem cells located in the vaginal and clitoral tissues to regenerate and thus become “younger” with improved functional potential.Women often enjoy some effects of the O-Shot almost immediately, as the growth factors begin to rejuvenate and enhance the sexual response. Women receiving O-Shot procedure have reported an increase in their sexual response within days and weeks of the treatment – and for many, the increase is dramatic.
You may also call one of our patient care coordinators at 206-935-5689 and we will be happy to assist you in scheduling.
Read more about the O-Shot.
Dr. Runels brings to this book his 23 years of experience in treating and conducting research with thousands of women suffering with sexual and hormonal problems. Also, since he invented and was first to do the O-Shot® procedure {Orgasm Shot ®}, he offers unique insight about how the procedure was invented and how to know if it may benefit you or someone you love.
Order the book online, or DOWNLOAD FOR FREE ON AMAZON KINDLE here. And of course you are always welcome to come in to our clinic to pick up a free copy.
The Woman’s 4 “Sex-Pleasure Problems”… & the Sad Reason Doctors Stay Silent
- Female Sexual Arousal Disorder (usually but not always accompanies Sexual Desire Disorder). Women who suffer with this may want to have sex but have much difficulty finding the pleasure of arousal. The 5% incidence doesn’t sound like much until you think about it–that’s the same as one in 20!
- Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (Low desire). Remember, that this is not counted a disorder unless it’s disrupting the woman’s life. Around 10% of women suffer with this problem. Important: Suffering with a sexual disorder does not simply make sex not fun. Better sex leads to more energy, more creativity, increased confidence, less depression, and improved overall health.
- Female Orgasmic Disorder: Again around 1 in 20 (or 5%). Here women can become aroused but have much difficulty with orgasm. This can be so frustrating that sex becomes a frustration that they avoid.
- Dyspareunia: Here the woman suffers with real pain with sex (not from decreased lubrication or vaginal spasm). The incidence is from around 1 in 10 to 1 in 5 women. (The above shocking statistics came from Obstetrics & Gynecology April 2011)
- Genital Mismatch can contribute to both Female Orgasmic Disorder & to Dyspareunia
Since the number 30-50% listed in the medical literature considers only those bothered by the symptoms, the actual number of women with the 4 conditions described above would be greater than 50%–some estimate to be at least 60%. Perhaps even more disturbing, think of the ripple effect throughout society as children and communities suffer with the breakdown of marriage relationships because of these problems. With 150 million women in the US in 2010, at least 50 million women suffer with these problems. What ripple effect does that have on families in the USA? So, why do so many women suffer in silence?
Why Women Suffer Even After Seeing the Gynecologist
Research shows that only about 14% of women EVER talk to ANY of their physicians about sex. With around 4 in 10 suffering from a sexual disorder, why do only about 1 in 10 ever talk to their physician about sex? According to Practice Bulletin in Obstetrics and Gynecology (April 2011), the reason may be that (with the exception of short-term hormone replacement) research shows few proven treatment options. Both physician and patient would be discouraged by discussing a problem for which there is no proven solution–so the doctor just doesn’t ask. Notice that the only treatment offered is vaginal estrogen or topical testosterone or psychotherapy.And even with the hormone therapies, the results were described as short-term. No wonder only 14% of women ever discuss sexual problems with their physician--if the woman is already on hormones (or pre-menopausal), the only known solution, per the official recommendation of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, appears to be psycho-social therapies
What Does the Doctor Do?
First the doctor or nurse applies a numbing cream to the vagina and the arm. Then blood is drawn from the arm in the same was as with any blood test. Then, using a centrifuge and a special method, the resultant growth factors are harvested. The whole process takes about 10 minutes and can be done there in the room with the patient. Then, using a very thin needle, the growth factors are injected the clitoris and into the upper vagina into an area most important for the sexual response, the O-Spot. Because these areas have been numbed with the anesthetic cream, the woman feels little or no pain.
How Does the New Tissue Grow?
This extra calcium chloride triggers the platelets to release at least 7 different growth factors that then trigger the unipotent stem cells to grow younger tissue–activating unipotent stem cells. The doctor injects the Growth Factors into an area called the O-Spot–a collection of structures that activate the orgasm system. The woman usually enjoys the effects of the O-Shot™ almost immediately as the growth factors begin to rejuvenate and enhance the sexual response. So, the O-Shot® (or Orgasm Shot®) is a nonsurgical procedure that uses the growth factors each woman has in her own body to stimulate vaginal and clitoral rejuvenation to activate the Female Orgasm System. Thus far, almost all women receiving O-Shot™ procedure enjoy an increase in their sexual response, and for many the increase is dramatic. These sometimes experience other effects listed here:
Modeled after the same technology used in the Vampire Facelift® Procedure. The numbers of women who suffer with sexual problems–30-50% (depending upon the age) are discouraging (the higher incidence is seen in younger women). And remember, these numbers only include women who psychologically distressed. If a woman avoids sex because one of these problems but claims to not be bothered by the lack of sexual activity, then she’s not counted in these statistics. Is that really the best way to tabulate the incidence of a problem? Perhaps. But, suppose we didn’t count high cholesterol as a problem unless it bothered the patient with a heart attack? Is it possible that a women just learns to tolerate less than optimal sexual activity (rather than Activating the Female Orgasm System) and so eventually does not consider the sexual condition to be a problem? Notice how in this episode of the View, you actually get a very good cross section of the “views” of women about women with sexual dysfunction. One makes the comment that if the lover doesn’t take out the garbage the shot will not help. That comment makes a very good point…not shot makes up for a strained relationship. Another makes the very good point that if the shot lasts a long time that it would be worth it–the shot does last up to 3 years or longer in some women. But, average seems to be about 18 months. But, the most disturbing comment implies that if the lover is good then there’s no reason for a woman to have problems with sexual function. The truth is that sometimes, like every other part of the body, sometimes the vagina can be damaged (child birth) or simply not function optimally.
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PLEASE BEWARE! The Orgasm Shot® (O-Shot®) procedure is a very specific method of using blood-derived growth factors to rejuvenate the vagina to help relieve women with urinary incontinence and sex problems. Done in the wrong way, results could be useless or worse. The names “Orgasm Shot” and “O-Shot” were awarded to Charles Runels, MD (the first to do the procedure) and are protected by US Patent & Trademark law. Any physician or nurse practitioner who qualified, joined, & who continues in good standing with our group of O-Shot® providers will be listed on this website http://oshot.info/members/directory
Anyone who uses either name (O-Shot or Orgasm Shot) who is not listed on this website is not a member of our group, is not certified to do the procedure, is violating trademark/patent laws, & should not be trusted.