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Menopause does not have to be a dirty word.
We can help you and your partner make this time of life one of the best.

Menopause is a normal condition that all women experience as they age. The term “menopause” can describe any of the changes a woman goes through either just before or after she stops menstruating, marking the end of her reproductive period.

What Causes Menopause?
A woman is born with a specific number of eggs that are stored in the ovaries. The ovaries also make the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which control menstruation and ovulation. Menopause happens when the ovaries no longer release an egg every month and menstruation stops.

Menopause is a normal part of aging and usually starts to occur after the age of 40. Natural Menopause come in three stages.

This typically begins several years before menopause, when the ovaries gradually make less estrogen. Perimenopause lasts up until menopause, the point when the ovaries stop releasing eggs. In the last 1 to 2 years of perimenopause, the drop in estrogen quickens. At this stage, many women have menopause symptoms.

This is the point when it’s been a year since a woman last had her last menstrual period. At this stage, the ovaries have stopped releasing eggs and making most of their estrogen.

These are the years after menopause. During this stage, menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes ease for most women. But health risks related to the loss of estrogen rise as the woman ages.

Some common symptoms of menopause we can help with can include:

  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Reduced sex drive
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Fatigue, night sweats, osteoporosis, hot flashes, or sweating
  • Early awakening or insomnia
  • Absence of menstruation or irregular menstruation
  • Dryness or loss of scalp hair, dry skin.
  • Anxiety, irritability, moodiness

You may also call one of our patient care coordinators at 206-935-5689 and we will be happy to assist you in scheduling.

Investigate Web MD to find a lot of information on Menopause.  Men, don’t think we forgot about you.  The male equivalent of menopause is called Andropause and many men are finding the treatments available able to keep them sharp and active much longer and later in life.

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