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Home Made (stick and poke) Tattoo Removal can be completed in half the time of professional tattoos.

At Well Medical Arts we have years of experience removing tattoos of all kinds.  Traditionally some of the easiest are the home made tattoos. These tattoos are usually done with ink that is more easily targeted by the laser. The ink in home made tattoos does not generally get spread to multiple layers of the skin as it does with professional tattoo guns.  Visit our main tattoo page at to learn more about how laser tattoo removal can help you finally rid your skin of that unwanted tattoo.

Awesome Tattoo Removal before and afters in Seattle at Well Medical Arts
Awesome Tattoo Removal before and afters in Seattle at Well Medical Arts
Awesome Tattoo Removal before and afters in Seattle at Well Medical Arts
Before and After Laser Tattoo Removal at Well Medical Arts in Seattle
Before and After Laser Tattoo Removal at Well Medical Arts in Seattle
Before and After Laser Tattoo Removal at Well Medical Arts in Seattle

You may also call one of our patient care coordinators at 206-935-5689 and we will be happy to assist you in scheduling.

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