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Challenged with Erectile Dysfunction, or just want a stronger, longer lasting erection? Our combination therapy of Testosterone pellets and the The Priapus shot may be the answer for you.

Testosterone pellets insertion in Seattle at Well Medical Arts. Call 206-935-5689 to learn more.

* Individual Results and Patient Experience May Vary

You may also call one of our patient care coordinators at 206-935-5689 and we will be happy to assist you in scheduling.

Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is the inability to achieve or sustain an erection suitable for sexual intercourse. Causes include age, medications, chronic illnesses, poor blood flow to the penis, drinking too much alcohol, or being too tired. Just about any medical condition that affects your nerves or blood vessels could hurt your ability to have erections. High blood pressure, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, and diabetes can all lead to Erectile Dysfunction. In fact, as many as 60% of men with diabetes find themselves in that situation. Hormonal issues such as low testosterone levels can also factor in, more often for older men. Prostate cancer treatments including surgery and radiation may be the culprit. For many, the combination therapy of both Testosterone therapy and the Priapus shot can help eliminate the need for Viagra and will contribute to a much healthier body and sexuality.  Learn about the Priapus Shot here  and learn about Testosterone therapy at Well Medical Arts here. 

At Well Medical Arts we are excited by sexual health and believe we are not alone. We are committed to helping our clients live life to the fullest, looking and feeling their best all along the way.  We are here to ensure you are performing your best in and out of the bedroom.

You may also call one of our patient care coordinators at 206-935-5689 and we will be happy to assist you in scheduling.

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